Mrs Clarke was totally amazed by the children’s brilliant recall of the scientific vocabulary we have learnt so far this term, such as herbivore, omnivore, carnivore, producer, consumer, frugivore, insectivore and piscivore. The children were able to use this new vocabulary in defining different groups of animals, which was very impressive!
The children have been exploring food chains this week. They developed their expanding vocabulary bank by thinking about primary, secondary and tertiary consumers. They then worked together to combine food chains for different ecosystems and make their own food webs!
The children were tasked with working collaboratively to make banana ‘sweets’. They had to create human machines by assigning different roles to each team member, with only one part of the machine working at once! It was tricky to make sure all the design criteria was met but, after a practice run and some excellent reflecting (dojos galore in class 2 this afternoon!), the groups achieved their target of 10 sliced, individually-wrapped sweets through excellent teamwork, listening and communication.
We have explored Anglo-Saxon monasteries and every day life in Anglo-Saxon Britain this week. We looked at a range of different sources such as primary and secondary to gather information to answer enquiry questions relating to the monasteries and every day life.
We then learned about the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn in Geography. We were able to identify their location on a map using atlases. We explored the tropical climates and why the tropics are significant. Following on from this, we learned about countries in North and South America. We used Google Earth and atlases to explore the countries and label them on a map. We explored contrasting climates in North and South America using a climate zones map. This helped us understand the climates of countries closer to the equator and those further away.