Home Page

Class 2

Welcome to Class 2!


In Class 2, we are in Year 3 and 4. Our Class Teacher is Miss Doran and our teaching assistants are Miss Daft, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Czornookyj. We are also taught by Mr Gilbert on a Thursday for our PE lesson.


Our PE days are a Thursday and Friday. Please remember to come into school in your PE kit on these days, as well as removing your earrings (or bringing your own tape) and tying back your hair. 


This web page will be updated regularly with photos of us learning and examples of our work. There is also a contact form at the bottom of the page if you need to get in touch Miss Doran directly. You can also follow Miss Doran on X (Twitter) for updates: @MissDoran2.


Please make sure you bring a coat to school and please label all removable layers, lunch boxes and water bottles. We have found that items almost always find their way back to their owners if they are named. 


Practising your times tables and reading daily is super important, so please do as much of this at home as you can! (Remember, dojos are earned for this!)


Thank you for your continued support. 
Miss Doran


Our Class Readers for the 24-25 academic year:

Term 1: 

'The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark' by Jill Tomlinson

'Walking with my Iguana' by Brian Moses

Term 2:

'The Diary of a Killer Cat' by Anne Fine

'Chocolate Cake' by Michael Rosen

Term 3:

'Fabulously Funny Fairytale plays' by Juston McCory Martin

'The Mousehole Cat' by Antonia Barber

Term 4:

'Fantastic Mr Fox' by Roald Dahl

'Charlie changes into chicken' by Sam Copeland

Term 5:

Viking Myths

'Weslandia' by Paul Fleischman

Term 6:

'How to train your dragon by Cressida Cowell

Instructions by Neil Gaiman

Contact Miss Doran
