Welcome to Reception
At Gipsey Bridge we have a pure Reception Class of up to 15 children, with our teachers: Miss Moffat (Monday & Tuesday) & Mrs Fappiano (Wednesday-Friday). Mrs Willey is our teaching assistant and is with us every day. We are the youngest children in the school and we love to explore, imagine, create, and learn through play.
We are very lucky to have JB sports visit us on a Thursday to deliver our PE lesson. Please make sure that you come to school in your kit on this day.
In Reception we ask that you leave a change of clothes and wellies at school. In warmer months we also ask for you to bring in your own sun cream & a sun hat and in cooler months we ask that you bring a woolly hat, gloves and anything else to keep you warm when we are exploring outside! Please also bring a coat to school everyday (as you never know when it is going to rain!)
It is important that all of your clothes are labelled.
Please come back soon to find out more about our class and what we have been learning each term.
Thank you for visiting our class page.