At Gipsey Bridge Academy, we teach PSHE as a whole-school approach to support our children's by promoting positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement.
After thinking about the every day lives of the Vikings and learning about the roles of men and women in their society, Class 2 considered the roles of men and women in today’s society. The children made a list of what they considered to be male and female jobs, then we discussed the list and thought about whether we had seen members of the opposite sex doing these jobs or if they could do those jobs. It was a fascinating discussion and we decided that there were no such things as boy jobs and girl jobs and that we can be anything we want to be!
Class 2 have been thinking about how to use the Internet safely and how it can be a positive resource for all sorts of reasons. We then moved on to thinking about ways we can potentially be mislead by others on the Internet. This includes strangers posing as friends, scams on banking or purchasing sites and misinformation on research and information sites. The children had some brilliant ideas to avoid these potential problems, such as only sharing passwords with trusted adults (Mrs Clarke advised them to always share their passwords with their parents/carers) and is checking a person is who they say they are before accepting a request/talking to them online.