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Term 1


Our writing this term is based from the story 'The Tunnel' by Anthony Browne. We have got to know the story well by diving deeper into specific parts of the book, creating story maps and using role play to interpret character perspectives and feelings. This is going to help us as we move onto first person writing from the perspective of Jack or Rose in the story!

We have moved onto Writing to Inform, creating a set of instructions based from the book 'How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth'. We have chosen an animal that we want to write instructions for and ensured we have followed the success criteria for writing instructions. We have published this in a whole class book of instructions!

For our poetry element of writing this term, we have used the text 'The Magic Box' by Kit Wright as a stimulus for writing. We have explored poetic devices to identify and include in our writing and have composed our own 'The Magic Box' poems to share and perform to the school.



We have started our History learning by reviewing the importance and purpose of timelines and looked at specific periods of time such as the Bronze Age, Iron Age, Stone Age, Neolithic, Mesolithic and Palaeolithic. 

We then had different stations around the room to look at artefacts from prehistoric periods and did our own research of why these artefacts were significant as well as their purpose.

We have continued to study the Stone Age, exploring settlements and lifestyles. 



To introduce our geography project we have explored atlases to help us with locating countries, capital cities and physical features on a map. We enjoyed sharing our experiences and knowledge of the world together. 

We have also explored how to understand four-figure grid references and learned the compass points, including cardinal and intercardinal points. 

We have also studied latitude and longitude and how we can identify places using these coordinates. 



To start our Art project, we have looked at colour theory and the colour wheel. We have explored the positioning of colours on the wheel and used key vocabulary to describe their position on the wheel. We used watercolours to match the colours on the wheel, using the mixing of primary, secondary and tertiary colours to get the correct match.

We have explored a range of Art work from different artists and studied the use of colour in these pieces. We have then used our favourite colours and mixing strategies to create our own coloured pattern. 



We have started to this project by retrieving our knowledge from previous year groups about this subject. We discussed and wrote about what we already know and then developed and extended our knowledge on specific areas. We explored plants, humans and animals, diving into key vocabulary. We have continued to look at the skeletal system, including bones, joints, muscles and skeleton types.



We learned that Hindu's have many gods which they call deities with shrines in temples and their homes to worship and we looked at images of Ganesh before making our own elephant masks, which is significant because of a Hindu god we are going to learn about who is easy to recognise because he has the head of an elephant.



In DT we have been looking at the 5 main food groups. We looked at what foods are categorised in these groups and then discussed what makes a healthy balanced diet. This will support us with our understanding of making a fresh dish next term.
