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School Closure


Schools may be faced with emergencies that can arise for a variety of reasons. They may be particular to the individual school, e.g. breakdown of the heating system, disconnection of the local water supply, or they may affect a number of schools at the same time, e.g. industrial action disrupting essential supplies and services, severe weather conditions, high level of staff absence.


Everyone concerned should be clear as to responsibilities for making decisions bearing in mind that the safety and welfare of the pupils and staff are of paramount importance.


Wherever possible schools should be kept open with, as far as is possible, normal programmes of work. Parents should be encouraged to send their children to school if they can do so safely. The presumption must be that schools will be open unless information has been passed that they will be closed. Closure can be justified only in circumstances of exceptional difficulty.


The decision to close must be made by the individual Headteacher or senior person on the spot in consultation with the Chair of Governors.


For up-to-date information on school closures during adverse weather conditions please listen to your local radio station or use the links below to access the list of schools closed.
