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Week 10

Religious Education


This week, we started our new project, the Christian celebration of Christmas. We began by discussing how Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus at Christmas who they believe was a very special baby.


The lead up to Christmas is very important to Christians and is called advent. We discussed that Christians often have Advent wreaths which have four candles on representing hope, peace, joy and love. We learned how these are lit on the four Sundays leading up to Christmas where another larger candle is lit and represents Jesus.


Mr Wilson very kindly made us an Advent wreath to have in our classroom and we are looking forward to lighting our candles as the weeks pass leading up to Christmas.

We then worked as pairs to create our own Advent wreaths, making sure we wrote on the candles what Christians think about when each one is lit. We loved putting the holly leaves on and it has made us feel very festive.
