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At Gipsey Bridge Academy, we teach History to develop our children’s historical knowledge, skills and subject disciplines. Key aspects and concepts, such as chronology, cause and effect, similarity and difference, significance and hierarchy, are revisited throughout all projects and are developed over time.

Class 1 have been looking at what life was like in the 1950s in more detail and comparing it to their lives now.

Class 3 have been researching the significance of bronze in ancient China and even created their own knowledge organiser for it.

Class 2 have reached the end of the Stone Age. They considered different factors affecting this period, such as jobs, inventions, settlements and the introduction of bronze. The children researched their particular area and then shared their knowledge with the rest of the class.

Class 2  are learning about wealth and power during the Bronze Age. The children explored different ways people showed their wealth or reacted to others' power, such as: conflict; jealousy; theft; building walls to protect their land and ornate weapons and clothing. In groups, they then created a freeze-frame of one of these factors and answered questions from the rest of the class, such as, "How does it feel to be so much poorer than the chief?" and, "Why are you stealing someone else's possessions?"

Class 1 have been describing an important event in their own lives. They shared a photograph or object that symbolises their chosen important event with the rest of the class. As well as allowing the children the opportunity to use language related to the passing of time, this was also a lovely opportunity to develop speaking and listening skills.

Class 1 began to study royal portraits. The children thought carefully to analyse aspects of the paining, including facial expressions, poses, clothing, objects and backgrounds. They then shard their opinions with the rest of the class.

Class 2 used hot seating to consider why some of the Anglo-Saxons stayed to fight the Vikings, some ran away and some paid them a ‘Danegeld’ to leave them alone. They then used primary and secondary sources to create an overview of King Athelstan.

Class 3 have been looking at the benefits of enslavement for Britain and how the slave trade impacted on the British economy at the time.

Class 1 have been learning about Henry VIII and how his actions during his reign had positive and negative impacts on England.

Class 1 have continued to create timelines. They have looked in more depth at how long significant monarchs reigned for and identified which monarchs reigned the longest.

Class 2 have been learning about the end of the Roman rule, with a game of 'True or False?' We found lots of interesting facts about the Roman withdrawal from Britain, including that the Anglo-Saxons were supposed to be supporting the Britons but instead ended up invading!

Class 1 have had some great discussions around a variety of significant people and worked together to categorize them into different groups.

Class 1 have been learning about significant people, notably Neil Armstrong. They were all really excited to learn about his space expedition to the moon and spent time researching facts about the Apollo 11 mission.

Class 2 have been learning about the features of civilisations so that they can start to identify them in the three ancient civilisations that we are going to be learning about throughout the project. This will help them to answer their Big Question!

Class 3 have finished learning about the First World War and have moved on to the causes of the Second World War and the warring nations involved. This involved looking at the leaders and what country they were leaders of.

We've had a great afternoon of History today in Class 2. We identified the features of different ancient Greek soldiers (psiloi, hoplite, peltast and cavalry), before creating some real life versions in the classroom!

What better way for Class 2 to embed their history of famous Greeks research than with a game of homemade Top Trumps?!

Class 2 started to think about their Big Question: 'What was it like to live in England between 410AD and 1066?' In school, we worked in research groups to find out facts about different aspects of Anglo-Saxon life. The children working at home also chose an area that was of interest to them and used multiple sources to find interesting facts and information.

In history this week, Class 1 have continued to spent time learning about the Victorian era and what a typical Victorian lesson might have been like.

To learn more about the history of the town where we live, Boston, we have been learning about the journey of the Pilgrim Fathers. We found it fascinating that they were able to survive the treacherous journey over to America and amazed that they were imprisoned in the Guildhall in Boston town centre.


We had great fun in groups producing freeze frames in our drama activity. They were so well acted out with brilliant facial expressions, the rest of the class was easily able to identify the parts of the journey the groups were re-enacting.

Beautifully presented double-paged timelines as the children sequenced and made connections across the Egyptian civilisation.

Informative fact files from Class 3 about a Pharaoh from ancient Egypt.
