At Gipsey Bridge Academy, we teach History to develop our children’s historical knowledge, skills and subject disciplines. Key aspects and concepts, such as chronology, cause and effect, similarity and difference, significance and hierarchy, are revisited throughout all projects and are developed over time.
Class 2 are learning about wealth and power during the Bronze Age. The children explored different ways people showed their wealth or reacted to others' power, such as: conflict; jealousy; theft; building walls to protect their land and ornate weapons and clothing. In groups, they then created a freeze-frame of one of these factors and answered questions from the rest of the class, such as, "How does it feel to be so much poorer than the chief?" and, "Why are you stealing someone else's possessions?"
To learn more about the history of the town where we live, Boston, we have been learning about the journey of the Pilgrim Fathers. We found it fascinating that they were able to survive the treacherous journey over to America and amazed that they were imprisoned in the Guildhall in Boston town centre.
We had great fun in groups producing freeze frames in our drama activity. They were so well acted out with brilliant facial expressions, the rest of the class was easily able to identify the parts of the journey the groups were re-enacting.