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Bright Lights, Big City - Spring Term

Our project this term is called 'Bright lights, big city' and is a Geography based project. We will learn about the physical and human characteristics of the United Kingdom, including a detailed exploration of the characteristics and features of the capital city, London.

All of our wonderful experiences throughout the term will hep us work towards answering this project's Big Question: What do you know about the United Kingdom?

In Science, our project this term will be 'Seasonal Changes' and it will teach us about the seasons, seasonal changes and typical seasonal weather and events. We will be learning about measuring the weather and the role of a meteorologist. We will begin to learn about the science of day and night and recognise that the seasons have varying day lengths in the UK.

In Design and Technology, our project is 'Taxis!'. We will be taught about wheels, axles and chassis and how they work together to make a vehicle move.

During out Art and Design project this term, we will learn about collagraph printing, including how to develop a motif to make single and repeated prints.

During Religious Education, we will be studying two celebrations. Firstly, it will be an Islam celebration, Milad un Nabi and secondly, it will be the Jewish celebration of Purim. 


Below are the glossaries for both projects which includes all of the vocabulary we will be using within our work and discussions.

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