We were introduced to our Geography project this week which is 'Misty Mountain, Winding River'. We have completed our cold knowledge orangiser quiz and answered our Big Question 'What do you know about mountains and rivers?'. We completed our introductory knowledge lesson and we explored aspects of physical features, learning new vocabulary about features of a river.
Our concept for PSHE this term is 'Keeping Safe'. We explored danger, hazards and risk and discussed scenarios to determine whether they displayed risk, hazard or danger.
In Science, we are learning about States of Matter. We completed our cold knowledge organiser quiz and then started our introductory knowledge lesson. We learned about solids, liquids and gases and sorted and grouped different materials into solids, liquids or gases.
Our RE learning this term is learning about a Sikh celebration, Vaisakhi. We learned about what this celebration is and why it is celebrated by Sikhs. We learned about the Five Beloved Ones and used drama techniques to demonstrate our understanding of the Formation of the Khalsa and the thoughts of people there at the time.