Term 4 has been a fantastic term for us in Class 2, full of excellent learning.
We have written narratives featuring the use of direct speech, based on the text ‘Lights on Cotton Rock’. We have then explored explanation texts such as ‘It starts with a seed’ and the book ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ to help us with constructing a non-fiction explanation text about the water cycle. We really enjoyed applying our knowledge from geography to this piece of work and enjoyed researching further to better our informative piece of writing. We created pieces of artwork of the water cycle to publish our writing onto which we displayed in our village to inform the local community.
We have thoroughly enjoyed our geography driver project, continuing to study rivers and mountains. We have been studying mountains in the UK and around the world as well as completing case studies on Somerset flooding and working as National Trust workers to provide information to tourists about the Lake District.
In science we have been learning about grouping and classifying animals. We have explored plant and animal kingdoms and been able to identity characteristics which enable us to group and classify. We understand what vertebrates and invertebrates are and can identify animals and insects from their characteristics to classify them under these groups. We know there can be many ways to group and classify and learned that from scientists work in the past, we have more specific groups and classifications.
Our Art learning has developed fabulously using our understanding and skills of animal art to produce texture, patterns, drawings and clay models of animals.
DT has provided us with opportunities to explore textiles, create block printings and practise our sewing techniques to apply our knowledge of William Morris designs to design and make our own materials with the idea of them being used on products in homes.
We have explored Holy Week and Easter in our RE learning and we have demonstrated a great understanding and respect for this Christian belief and celebration. We were lucky to have a visit from Reverend Val from our local church to tell us the Holy Week and Easter story. She commented on how well we reflected during her time with us. We finished our RE learning by understanding the symbolism of eggs, decorating our own pysanky style eggs and exploring Easter celebrations.