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Week 2

This week, in writing, we started a 3 week narrative unit based around a short film 'Lighthouse'

The children were introduced to the film and watched it in stages, noting how the author introduced drama and tension with the use of music and different lighting.

The children wrote their own predictions on what they thought would happen in the rest of the film. 

The children also acted out some of the beginning of the film to help them write a character description of the Lighthouse keeper. We also looked at relative clauses to help them with their description. 


In geography, the children looked at Polar Oceans, Polar landscapes, climate change and natural resources in the Arctic. They explored how the Polar Oceans compare to other oceans in the world. They explored the different parts of the landscape in the Polar regions and what natural resources are available and what they can do with them. 


In R.E, the children continued looking Paranirvana and the teachings of the Buddha. 


