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Blood Heart- Autumn Term 1

Blood Heart


Crimson, scarlet, burgundy, cherry. Blood flows through our bodies in all its vibrant shades of red. Let’s explore our circulation system. Now, surgeons, don’t be squeamish as we dissect an animal heart and examine the veins, arteries and chambers up close. They all work hard to move blood around our bodies. William Harvey was fascinated with anatomy, and made ground - breaking discoveries about valves. I wonder what we might uncover? Why do people give blood? Find out how to keep your heart happy with cardiovascular exercise and healthy food. Kickstart a campaign to spread the word about the damage caused to the lungs and heart by smoking. Hearts pound, flutter and maybe skip a beat. What makes your heart race? Is it a secret? Cross my heart, I won’t tell.


Throughout the topic we will also be referring to our Big Question - How do we keep our heart happy?

Year 5/6 Spellings

Year 3/4 Spellings

Blood Heart Wow Event

Week 4

We started the week off doing a timeline of the life of William Harvey - the person who first named the circulatory system. The children then had to look a little deeper at the important events in his life and create a biography of him.


In science, we looked at our pulse and how it can change depending on the activity we are doing. The children took their pulses and did activities such as running, walking, talking, reading and recorded the change in their heat rate doing the different activities. 


In PSHE, we talked about the dangers that unhealthy substances that could potentially harm our bodies. 


Week 3

This week in literacy, we have been looking at the dangers of smoking and the effects it can have on our bodies. The children have shared what they know and have researched further using the internet and books. We have also been looking at slogans - what makes a good one, what features they have and we also played a quiz - to guess the slogan. The children will then come up their own Anti - smoking slogans.


In a PE/science part of our topic, we have been looking at Personal Bests. We discusses what they were and then we did 3 sporting challenges to get our own personal best. We will repeat them over the coming weeks to see if we can beat our personal bests.

Personal Bests

Week 2

The second week of our topic focused on Shape poetry in literacy. The children thought of adjectives and phrases that would describe the heart and the blood and then put them into a Shape Poem.

The children also did some research on ABO system and what the different blood types mean. The children were tasked with trying to find out their own blood group.

In art, the children created their own abstract paintings, with the theme Blood Red Art

We kicked off the new school year with our memorable experience for our new topic - Blood Heart. We talked briefly about the topic and what we would be doing towards it. The children were then presented with a sheep's heart to handle and dissect! After a few oohs and aahs, the children got stuck in and started to identify parts of the heart. 

Wow Experience - Heart Dissection
