We have had an excellent start to Term 5, full of engagement and enthusiasm towards our new project 'Ancient Civilisations'.
In writing, we started the term by exploring Haiku and Cinquain poetry. We looked at the structure of both kinds of poems and examples which then helped us decide which type we would like to create ourselves, based on a chosen theme. Following on from this, we have started our narrative text 'A Wolf's Story'; a different perspective of Little Red Riding Hood which we are loving! Our writing outcome is to retell the story through an outsiders perspective and we have enjoyed unpicking the text, gathering vocabulary and using drama activities such as hot seating to enhance our understanding of the narrative.
We have started to explore artefacts in history, working as archaeologists to retrieve information from texts and delve into items from the past to help us understand life back then.
In science, we are have started to begin our learning about electrical components and understanding different sources of electricity and how circuits are made.
We have started our study of Shabbat in our RE learning, focusing on a Jewish celebration. We have had some detailed discussions of the seventh day of rest, our world and why rest and respect is important.